Patrick Kilcoyne
Patrick Kilcoyne
Marketing Consultant - Digital and Traditional Media





Digital and Traditional media and marketing tools are at their most effective when they work together to achieve marketing and promotional campaign goals. It’s important to know how to use both effectively.

Digital Media and Marketing

Significant experience working in both agency and client-side environments with the following:

  • Affiliate Lead Generation

    • host and post

    • link out

    • push notification

    • outbound SMS texting and outbound dialing

    • inbound call qualification, routing and tracking via a telephony platform

  • Google AdWords Platform

    • display ads

    • text search ads

    • click to call mobile ads

    • youtube video ads

  • Facebook for Business Ad Platform

    • targeted image and video ads using look-alike audiences to build Facebook audience, awareness, and engagement

    • drive to site ads using call to action (i.e. “learn more”, “shop now”, etc.)

    • lead generation ads using pre-populated info from Facebook, reducing abandonment and improving conversion

  • Social Media Content

    • Managing and implementing content plans for social media platforms to maintain and increase user engagement (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc.)



Traditional Media and Marketing

Significant experience working in both agency and client-side environments with the following:

  • Direct Response Television and Radio

    • Planning and negotiating DRTV and DR Radio buys to maximize response and conversion via web, phone, and text

    • Tracking and reporting on responses via web, phone, and text to consistently improve and optimize cost per response

    • Script authoring and editing tailored to generate the most interest and response in the product or service

    • Working with VO talent and production to create the most engaging and response-generating creatives

  • Print

    • Planning and negotiating remnant display and classified print ads to drive web, phone, and text responses

    • Have experience producing and planning high-end print campaigns for consumer packaged goods products as well as remnant print direct response campaigns for legal and medical services

  • Out of Home

    • Billboard and Digital Board design and placement

    • Transit

  • Research Tools

    • MRI Market Research

    • AdSphere Competitive Tracking

    • Scarborough

    • SQAD

    • Nielsen Galaxy Explorer Ratings Platform

    • Nielsen AdViews

    • Radian6

    • Keyword Spy

    • What Runs Where